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Showcase : Post your new poems here


When you post a poem, PLEASE make sure you have your OWN COPY. We also ask that you comment on at least 3 poems by fellow members.

Forums Topics Posts Last Post
For all you happy little chappies out there, or anyone who wants a little cheering up.
Topics: 1,999 Posts: 15,936
1,999 15,936
Poems about love, friendship and lust
Please keep erotic material tasteful and post a warning
Topics: 13,029 Posts: 91,191
13,029 91,191
Poems about sadness, depression and sad events
Topics: 10,964 Posts: 72,729
10,964 72,729
Poems about bereavement, suicide and death
Topics: 3,359 Posts: 22,010
3,359 22,010
Poems about the dark and macabre, the angry and hateful. If it's black it belongs in here.
Topics: 7,249 Posts: 43,818
7,249 43,818
Poems about nature
Topics: 5,762 Posts: 46,788
5,762 46,788
Humourous poems to make us smile
Topics: 4,910 Posts: 41,647
4,910 41,647
Family & Friends
Poems about your roots
Topics: 1,460 Posts: 10,965
1,460 10,965
Poems about life events
Topics: 6,830 Posts: 45,395
6,830 45,395
Poems of a fantastical nature
Topics: 1,453 Posts: 9,764
1,453 9,764
Children's Verse
A place for poems written for a younger audience.
Topics: 979 Posts: 9,773
979 9,773
Spiritual & Philosophical
Poems of a philosophical, spiritual or religious nature.
Topics: 6,356 Posts: 40,011
6,356 40,011
For anything else

Moderators may move your poem to another section if they feel it belongs there
Topics: 12,199 Posts: 76,789
12,199 76,789
Oriental Poetry
A section for Oriental poems specifically. This can include Haiku, Senryu, Tanka, Sijo and many more.
Topics: 2,404 Posts: 18,507
2,404 18,507
Formal Poetry
A Showcase devoted to poems written using set forms e.g. Sonnets, Sestinas, etc
Topics: 1,559 Posts: 16,407
1,559 16,407
For poems with a scientific content
Topics: 314 Posts: 3,298
314 3,298
For poems with political leanings
Topics: 1,117 Posts: 6,881
1,117 6,881
Experimental Poetry
For poems which have been created solely as experiments.
Topics: 674 Posts: 4,178
674 4,178
Co written a poem with another member? Post it for feedback here, or post to find a writing partner!
Topics: 85 Posts: 1,028
85 1,028
A forum for one thread series.
Topics: 121 Posts: 1,286
121 1,286